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The next great Library of Alexandria

The Konrath Dark Thriller Collective
15 beloved thrillers, a new exclusive novella, and tons of behind-the-scenes content.
Experience the definitive collection from the master of thriller and dark comedy, J.A. Konrath.

Own your digital books. Limited edition collectible e-books and audiobooks made to be cherished. Alexandria books are permanent and safe from censorship. Read them, collect them, send them to friends or save them for the next generation.

Your shelf awaits.

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The next generation of books

Alexandria books are limited edition, combining the rarity of physical books with the interactivity of digital.
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Interactive on-chain storytelling by Alexandria.

Knights of Degen’s Degenesis open edition sold over 4000 copies, the bestselling original digital book of its kind.
The Knights of Degen origin story unfolds across four chapters in a unique on-chain storytelling experience. This was a first-of-its-kind release with original art from Process Grey (Goblintown), Bunya, Chris Ebeling (Zed Run), and Memo Angeles (Killabears). It culminates in a Collector’s Edition with premium reading and listening features.
Experience the story.Learn more

Build your digital library.

Collect work directly from authors and publishers you love. Add them to your digital shelves. Get unique covers, special chapters, exclusive editions, and more.

Your books are truly yours.

Experience the Alexandria Library

Gorgeous limited editions, now in digital.

For the first time, ebooks are limited edition. Gift a unique copy, send it to a friend, or save it on your shelf for the next generation.

Your books are uniquely yours.

Escape the walled gardens of Amazon and Google Books. Decentralized technology allows your books to belong to you—not to any corporation or platform, not even to Alexandria.

Your books never burn.

Alexandria books cannot be altered or censored. And unlike physical books, they can’t be lost or burned. With truly decentralized storage technology, they are safe forever.

Support authors and independent publishers.

Know exactly to whom your money is going. Alexandria deeply values empowering authors and independent publishers and ensuring the permanence of their work.

How Authors and Publishers Benefit

Receive much larger royalties.

Alexandria takes only a small commission for use of our platform; the rest is yours.

Capture secondary markets.

Your books are digital but they’re scarce, so when they sell out, they become valuable collectibles. You can choose to receive a portion of the royalties whenever one reader buys your book from another.

Bring readers along for the ride.

You don’t have to write alone in your shed for years before your book sees the light—unless you want to, of course! Get early feedback and financial support from readers as you create.

Control your intellectual property.

Authors and publishers retain control. Negotiate film rights, release new editions or future installments, donate all your proceeds—the life of your book is up to you.

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This is the future Alexandria Labs wants to create. “We were really inspired by the ancient patronage model where the wealthy classes would support the arts so that everyone can access it,” says co-founder Amelie Lasker. Hoping to be the “great library for the metaverse,” the platform will launch with a small library of NFT books that anyone can read, but few can collect.

“We want to try different tiers,” Lasker says. “Maybe there’s a more accessible, more affordable version where it’s just the ebook, and then there’s a more expensive version that has original art or some kind signature from the author—or a unique piece the author has written into it that’s only for that one copy. That creates rare books.”

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